
Posts Tagged ‘deal breakers’

Deal Breakers

January 24, 2012 3 comments

Deal Breakers

Excuses are like butts, everyone has one. As much as everyone has one, they seem to be unique for each person. When it comes to relationship preferences (emphasis on preferences), there are a lot of reasons why relationships would not work. For example, I had a woman tell me before she would not go out with a “Mama’s Boy”. When asked to define “Mama’s Boy”, she explained someone who constantly attends to their mother for almost all their needs (“Mama said…”). I had a man tell me he would not go out with someone who had little dogs. To him, a woman with a small purse dog meant TROUBLE. They can be weird. They can be common. They can be shallow. They can be whatever. Whatever they are, they are the individual’s prerogative. For it is the individual who has the deal breaker who must deal with the consequences that come from it.

My question is what are some deal breakers for you?