
Posts Tagged ‘sex male’

Let’s Talk About Sex

February 11, 2012 Leave a comment

“Sexual problems don’t have to be fatal to your relationship, but they will be if you avoid dealing with them.”  – Barbara De Angelis

Do you believe that one should talk about sex to enhance the experience? If so, should the talk be in terms of likes, dislikes, or both?

There appears to be a lot of people who do not want to talk about sex when they first get into the relationship. One of the main reasons why couples of all kinds break-up, it’s an issue most hope is not a problem and yet discover it is. No one would argue with the idea people think about sex, whether male or female. Why is it then that it’s such an uncomfortable topic to discuss? Especially with our partner who is to be honest, trustworthy, and respectful to you without conditions.